Integrated in the West Wine Region, its vineyards are located in a central area of ​​the union of the parishes of Pereiro de Palhacana and Ribafria, Alenquer, 15 kilometers south of Serra de Montejunto, 30 kilometers west of the Atlantic beaches, and 40 kilometers north of Lisbon, capital of Portugal.

    The continuous restructuring of the vineyards has simultaneously sought the efficiency of production and the quality of the grapes. Currently, the company has modern vineyards, including Vinha de São Miguel with 20 hectares of Merlot, Quinta da Coutada with 14 hectares of Alicante, Quinta do Bouro with 20 hectares of Syra and Terra de Bilros with 9 hectares of Touriga Nacional. The remaining space is made up of orchards, fallow lands and pastures. Reminiscent of ancient traditions, olive trees mark the boundaries of the property and ornament the countryside.



    The treatment of the vineyard and the monitoring of the growth of the grapes are the main activities of Quinta do Bouro, respecting the practices of traditional viticulture and making a strong commitment to the most modern technologies. This strategy seeks to increase the quantity and quality of the grapes produced, and simultaneously create the right conditions for sustainable and efficient use of natural resources in tasks that are often repetitive.

    Grape picking follows specific criteria, established in order to obtain the best qualitative results, according to the state of maturation. However, the harvest is just the last phase of an uninterrupted cycle. Quinta do Bouro seeks to integrate in the same space the traditional collective memory with the most modern technologies of sensorization, communication, treatment and data management in a set of areas ranging from vine pruning, soil treatment to the phytosanitary treatment of the vines.

Seeding the Future
